A downloadable pptx game

Hi there!  I'm Daneson. 

This game is one of my idea for more project in the future. 

I will try my best to make more game like this one. Please enjoy this one for now. (This one is still buggy though)


Torchlight Clicking.zip 158 kB

Install instructions

After extracting the game..

For PC:

1. You will need to have a pptx file reader software. The game will not work without it. (Do I even have to tell ya?)

(Note : pptx file reader software are NOT included!)

2. Launch the file.

3. Go to the first slide.

4. Press on ">" or "Slide show on Current" or press "Shift + F5" on your keyboard.

For Android user (or mobile):

1. You will need to have a pptx file reader app. The game will not work without it. (Cuz why not?)

(Note : pptx file reader app are NOT included!)

2. Launch the file.

3. Go to the fifth slide or "Slide Five".

4. Press on ">" or "Slide show on Current".

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